Friday, May 3, 2013

3 May 2013

Dear, Next years senior class.

I know you are all dreading the senior venture for next year and you should because it sucks. First off Ill tell you what you shouldn't do because there is a lot. First don't put it off till the end of the year trust me it bites you in the butt. Don't set to tough of goals for each month because then when you don't reach all your goals for the month your not overly disappointed. Also don't pick a project that you know nothing about. This year I picked a project that I knew nothing about and it turned out that I hated it so it made it tough for me to want to work on it. Don't put off meeting with your mentor either. I did this and it sucked. When I finally met with her for the required amount of times I found out that she was the biggest highlight in my project. She was awesome and fun to be around. Don't ignore you advisors. They have been through so many years of this that they know what they are talking about even if you think that they are annoying because I thought that to.

Know I will tell you what you should do. First meet with your mentor right away. They are amazing and so helpful for the senior venture. You also want to pick someone that you know and like that has some experience in the project you are doing. I didn't know my mentor at first but she turned out to be fantastic. Another thing is work on your prioject right away and get as much done as you can therefore you don't have to worry about it later. If you work hard to start with and get past the minimum requirement for hours then its a relief. Another thing is logging. Log everytime you do something. This was another this that haunted me. I only logged 21 hours so that is all I could count but I probably worked on it about 45 hours. Thats a big difference. Another thing you want to do is make a good presentation with a bunch of information. This way you don't have to worry about the time limit. I am a natural speaker so I had no problem with the presentation and I went for about 20 minutes. For your research paper do it all right away as soon as it is assigned. I got mine finished in the first 2 days so I was so not stressed like the rest of my class. Plus if you get it done right away then you have a bunch of time to make the corrections that Mrs. Schnieder will find. Don't try and hide the corrections. SHE WILL FIND THEM!!!!!

Senior year is so stressful trust me so you really want to be organized and prioritize your stuff. There is so much college stuff and scholarships to fill out that you get overwhelmed and don't want to work on your senior venture but you have to. Make some tie fore free days to do what ever you want but also make some days to strictly work on senior venture. I found out that the weekends unfortunatly are the best time to work on it. Normally there isn't school events on the weekend so you could have a full day to work on it.

Good Luck Seniors. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

finishing up

Finally we are giving our presentations. Yesterday we had our practice day and I did great I think. I am not to worried about thursday but this cold is really ticking me off. It makes it hard to breath and talk.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Finishing the Board

Today I remembered my pictures so I can add them to my board. Once I put that on I am basically finished except one mroe thing I think. Im happy to finally be about done completly.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Finishing Up

I have to do a couple more things before presentation day. One is that I need to add the pictures of everyone to my board. The second is finishing up the powerpoint which is already started so it shouldn't take to much longer.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Keep Blogging?

I don't see why I have to keep blogging now that I printed them off for my portfolio but here goes. This weekend I printed off all of the finished pictures onto that waxy picture paper. They came out good and I am happy with then.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Presentation Day

I found out that I know have a track meet on the presentation day for projects. I am not worried though cause I can just go in the morning and then leave for the meet.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Keeping up

Well I have less to write about now that the project is done but I still have to keep up on blogs so be expecting me to write a lot about my presentation.